
Showing posts with the label ethiopia


Mengulik Kopi: Asal-Usul & Dampaknya Bagi Manusia

  Berapa kali sehari anda minum kopi sehari-hari? Atau anda tidak menyukai kopi dalam bentuk apapun? Ternyata kopi pasti pernah anda minum dalam produk tertentu, misalnya pada obat-obatan dan produk kesehatan lainnya.  Tanaman kopi tumbuh dan menjadi komoditas sangat penting di berbagai negara, begitu pula di Indonesia. Meskipun banyak ada pecinta kopi di seluruh dunia, namun tidak banyak yang memahami asal usul kopi dan bagaimana dampaknya bagi manusia.  Kopi berasal dari tanah airnya yaitu Ethiopia, Tanduk Afrika. Kopi baru muncul di dunia pada tahun 1511 ketika seorang pedagang Arab bernama Baba Budan membawa 7 buah kopi hijau dari Ethiopia ke India. Sejak saat itu, kopi menjadi minuman yang populer di dunia. Apakah sudah ngopi hari ini? (Image: Kopi yang paling banyak tumbuh di Indonesia adalah robusta. Kopi diolah menjadi berbagai macam produk, seperti kopi bubuk, kopi instan, kopi sachet, kopi cincau, dan kopi kotak.  Ternyata, Kopi dapat diolah me...

Let we support coffee farmers

Coffee Farmer in Bali. Image: The coffee we drink comes from coffee beans grown in Ethiopia, Bali, Gayo, Java, Uganda, and some other areas. Coffee cannot be grown in the four seasons such as Japan, Europe, the USA, Korea, or Australia. Coffee plantations in the area are not all owned by rich farmers or large plantation companies. In general, they are small farmers, their land is not large, and so they need the support of governments and coffee lovers from around the world.  Government officials, big business, organizations and anyone can support coffee farmers by making policies more conducive to any coffee beans that they produce could be distributed fairly, good coffee purchases by mills, exporters, importers, coffee shop network owner, employers will most coffee shops coffee trade fairer for all parties. Famous celebrities such as actress, singer, and world-class entertainers can also be a campaign to support coffee farmers. 

Italian Art of Drinking Coffee

Romantic moment with Italian Espresso . Image: Italy is famous for its old culture and history. Many relics of history that has become an icon like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, gladiator in Colosseum, spaghetti, scooters, gondola in Venice, luxury fashion, and many others. The Italians also knew very romantic (you have to prove it) and had a passion and love for the culinary. We have several pasta dishes like spaghetti and pizza. Thanks to the history of coffee from Ethiopia who spread from Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkish coffee finally arrived in Europe. What is your favorite Italian coffee aroma?

Interesting facts about coffee

Image: Coffee has become a social tool, not just a drink at breakfast time, not just to keep you awake or just to accompany guests to chat. Drinking coffee has become a tradition that unites people in the world.  Coffee also has an interesting history for us to know so we can appreciate the origin of coffee and how coffee spread throughout the world. Coffee also has a protective effect against some diseases, but we must be prudent. Although coffee gives a sense of pleasure, happiness, do not drink too much coffee.

Great Coffee Great People