
Showing posts with the label cappuccino


Cappuccino: Mengejutkan Sejarah, Fakta, Mitos, dan Pengaruhnya dalam Budaya Kopi Dunia

  Cappuccino: Sejarah, Fakta, Mitos, dan Pengaruhnya dalam Budaya Kopi Dunia Kalau anda nongkrong di cafe atau kedai kopi, apakah anda lebih memilih kopi hitam seperti Americano, kopi tubruk atau cappuccino? Sensasi apa yang rasakan saat minum cappuccino dibandingkan dengan minum black coffee? Asal Usul dan Sejarah Cappuccino Cappuccino adalah salah satu minuman kopi paling terkenal di dunia yang berasal dari Italia. Nama "cappuccino" sendiri diyakini berasal dari warna jubah para biarawan Capuchin yang berwarna cokelat muda. Cappuccino modern yang kita kenal sekarang ini terdiri dari satu bagian espresso, satu bagian susu yang dipanaskan dengan uap, dan satu bagian busa susu. Lebih seru minum kopi hitam atau menyeruput Cappuccino?   Fakta tentang Cappuccino Tiga Lapisan Sempurna: Cappuccino idealnya terdiri dari tiga lapisan yang sama - espresso, susu panas, dan busa susu di atasnya. Proporsi ini membuat cappuccino memiliki tekstur yang kaya dan rasa yang seimbang. ...

Mengulik Kopi: Asal-Usul & Dampaknya Bagi Manusia

  Berapa kali sehari anda minum kopi sehari-hari? Atau anda tidak menyukai kopi dalam bentuk apapun? Ternyata kopi pasti pernah anda minum dalam produk tertentu, misalnya pada obat-obatan dan produk kesehatan lainnya.  Tanaman kopi tumbuh dan menjadi komoditas sangat penting di berbagai negara, begitu pula di Indonesia. Meskipun banyak ada pecinta kopi di seluruh dunia, namun tidak banyak yang memahami asal usul kopi dan bagaimana dampaknya bagi manusia.  Kopi berasal dari tanah airnya yaitu Ethiopia, Tanduk Afrika. Kopi baru muncul di dunia pada tahun 1511 ketika seorang pedagang Arab bernama Baba Budan membawa 7 buah kopi hijau dari Ethiopia ke India. Sejak saat itu, kopi menjadi minuman yang populer di dunia. Apakah sudah ngopi hari ini? (Image: Kopi yang paling banyak tumbuh di Indonesia adalah robusta. Kopi diolah menjadi berbagai macam produk, seperti kopi bubuk, kopi instan, kopi sachet, kopi cincau, dan kopi kotak.  Ternyata, Kopi dapat diolah me...

Fabulous Gayo Coffee from Takengon

Fabulous Gayo Coffee from Takengon. Why? If you want to enjoy authentic Indonesian coffee different from instant coffee, then you need to taste coffee in Papua, Bali or Gayo original coffee from Aceh Province, Indonesia. The uniqueness of the taste and aroma of coffee from Gayo will bring the coffee lover to feel the  sensation like coffee from Ethiopia or Latin America with floral-like characters such as black tea to dried-fruit while still carrying the classic taste characteristic nan typical Arabica Sumatra, spice. Why Gayo Coffee is one of a kind and delightful? This celebrated espresso in Europe and America is exceptionally remarkable as it develops and is developed at a height of more than 1,400 masl in Takengon, the Gayo Highlands. This espresso plant is overseen by the hands of espresso agriculturists, so Gayo espresso is otherwise called one of Indonesia's best espresso.   Gayo coffee. Image: Gayo espresso is likewise ordinarily cal...

Urgent information for the true coffee connoisseur

Are you a true coffee connoisseur? Perhaps you've been addicted to coffee, so no day without coffee. Coffee has long been a part of social events, business meetings, political negotiations, or the meeting of two lovers who are in love, also interspersed with a cup of coffee or cappuccino. It looks like coffee is part of the life of the world in a variety of situations. I'm sure more people drink a cup of coffee than a glass of wine or champagne. Most people drink coffee in the morning, at the office, and after dinner. Drink coffee and other beverage that contain coffee such as cappuccino or cafè latte become a lifestyle. That’s why a lot of  CafĂ© or coffee shop   provides black coffee, espresso, cappuccino, cafe latte, etc. Coffee can make you happy, healthier, richer, and also other side effects. Millions of people around the world look forward to a cup of coffee whether at home, whilst on the move or at work. The aroma, taste, and the sense of feeling “refr...

The genetic of coffee has been revealed

Let’s drink coffee with a new taste.  Image: An achievement of science has revealed. This is tremendous news, especially for coffee lovers . Entrepreneurs or companies in the field of coffee will also welcome the amazing news. The findings are published in scientific journals in the United States. If composition human genes or other creatures have been found, the genetic makeup or genome copies have started strung.  The study, recently discovered, could provide new insights into the coffee flavor and aroma of coffee that can be created on one's favorite drink. True coffee lovers will probably curious about this important discovery. Do you also get to enjoy a cup of coffee or espresso and cappuccino with a coffee aroma, and taste new, based on this new discovery? Coffee, espresso, and cappuccino.  Image: This coffee genetic discovery could certainly help the development of the coffee plant, even helping to develop new varie...

The myth, fact, history and the secret of cappuccino

Would you like to drink cappuccino with her?  Image: Almost all true coffee fans certainly ever drank a cup of cappuccino, a coffee-based beverage creation. Cappuccino has long been popular all over the world and is sure to be a menu in a variety of local cafes and in the fancy coffee shops.  Coffee has come a long way since the days of adding hot water to a teaspoon of instant granules, and the cappuccino you enjoy at your local cafe is much more achievable at home.   There are many myths in the world of an event, or the background of other things, as well as cappuccino . A myth says that the cappuccino's silky magic is beyond the grasp of home baristas. It's just too delicate of a dance, best left to the cafe. But the reality of cappuccino as mentioned in turns out that the great cappuccino is available to delight discerning coffee lovers , right in their own kitchens. It takes some practice with water, steam and foam, along wi...

How to start a fantastic coffee shop

A new cafe in Pondok Indah Mall, Jakarta. Image: Komang Setiabudi Are you a true coffee connoisseur? Do you understand the robusta and arabica coffee taste?   Perhaps you also understand about organic coffee and had also enjoyed a delicious of Kopi Luwak (civet   coffee) in Bali or Jakarta.     It turns out you also know how to mix coffee at home with a traditional coffee machine or your home, so you will not be disappointed if served a delicious coffee from the barista at the coffee shop that you visit. Therefore you get inspiration and ideas to build your own cafe business. German soldiers sit outside a Paris cafe on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day in 1940. Image:

Facts and myths of espresso

Image: When you are going to order a cup of coffee at a coffee shop , you will see the list of menu offerings range of coffee as black coffee , cappuccino, cafe latte and espresso coffee. Espresso was first discovered around 1900 in Italy, which freely translated means a cup of espresso coffee served quickly. Today, often found people pronounce or spell it wrong to "expresso" . Pronunciation it does not need to be a serious problem, but a professional barista will smile, and it will make you a cup of espresso. Espresso invented in 1884 in Italy. Espresso is made by forcing pressurized hot water through finely ground coffee. The espresso is the base ingredient of some of the most famous and popular beverages such as cappucino, cafe latte, machiato, and mocha.  Do you agree, if you've never drank a cup of espresso, then you can not be called a true coffee connoisseur?  

Yummy coffee on campus

Coffee stall at Atmajaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. This January I drove my son to a university in Jakarta because he had to take a test in order to be accepted in the college campus is located in a famous intersection in the city. While waiting for my son who definitely wanted to study in this college, my wife and parents of prospective college students were invited by the university president to watch a presentation on the rights and obligations of the students when later accepted by a faculty of this university.  After the presentation, my son is still following the second test, then I and my wife  headed to the campus canteen to look for snacks, and who knew there was a cup of coffee that you can enjoy while waiting for my son completed test.

Italian Art of Drinking Coffee

Romantic moment with Italian Espresso . Image: Italy is famous for its old culture and history. Many relics of history that has become an icon like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, gladiator in Colosseum, spaghetti, scooters, gondola in Venice, luxury fashion, and many others. The Italians also knew very romantic (you have to prove it) and had a passion and love for the culinary. We have several pasta dishes like spaghetti and pizza. Thanks to the history of coffee from Ethiopia who spread from Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkish coffee finally arrived in Europe. What is your favorite Italian coffee aroma?

Miss Coffee

Miss Coffee Indonesia. Image:  Katon/ Early last June, Putu Anandita, a Balinese girl,  crowned as Miss Coffee Indonesia 2012. Now she is Ambassador Coffee of Indonesia. For the first time, Indonesia successfully held the Miss Coffee Indonesia contest. This event is an opportunity to choose the "funnel" of Indonesian coffee in the world. Association Competition held by Duta Indonesia (ADI) is also aimed at strengthening the declaration of agro-tourism in Indonesia. Indonesia is known as a producer of excellent quality coffee. You can discover Indonesian coffee plantation on the island of Java, Toraja, Bali, Papua and Gayo (Aceh) and other areas in the archipelago. This is the task of Miss Coffee Indonesia to promote Indonesian coffee to all over the world.

Great Coffee Great People