
Showing posts with the label cafe


Kopi dan Tradisi: Perjalanan Global Melalui Setiap Cangkir. Fakta Mengejutkan

  Kopi dan Tradisi: Perjalanan Global Melalui Setiap Cangkir Apakah anda bagian dari penggemar kopi sejati atau seorang pemula? Apakah anda seorang penggila kopi, barista terkenal atau masih awam soal kopi, maka artikel berikut ini akan menambah khasanah budaya dan pengetahuan kita tentang kopi. Budaya dan Tradisi Minum Kopi di Turki, Eropa, Asia, dan Indonesia Apakah minum kopi dengan croissant yang ternyata berasal dari Austria bukan Perancis atau dengan pisang goreng atau getukh? (Image: Kopi di Turki: Sebuah Warisan Budaya Minum kopi di Turki lebih dari sekadar menikmati minuman berkafein; ini adalah ritual yang kaya akan tradisi dan sejarah. Turkish coffee, atau kopi Turki, memiliki metode penyeduhan yang unik. Biji kopi digiling sangat halus, hampir seperti bubuk, kemudian diseduh bersama air dan gula dalam pot kecil yang disebut cezve. Proses penyeduhan ini menghasilkan kopi yang kuat dan beraroma dengan lapisan tebal di permukaan.   Dalam ...

Bisnis Kopi | Antara Aroma Uang & Cara Membangun Coffee Shop Atau Cafe

  Ada beberapa langkah yang bisa Anda ikuti untuk memulai bisnis warung kopi:   Riset pasar dan persaingan Sebelum memulai bisnis warung kopi, lakukan riset pasar dan persaingan terlebih dahulu. Pastikan bahwa ada permintaan yang cukup untuk warung kopi di area yang Anda targetkan. Carilah informasi tentang siapa saja pesaing Anda, apa yang mereka tawarkan, dan bagaimana mereka memasarkan produk mereka. Dari hasil riset ini, Anda bisa menentukan segmen pasar yang akan Anda targetkan, serta keunggulan dan strategi bisnis yang akan Anda tawarkan untuk bersaing.   Menentukan lokasi Lokasi sangat penting dalam bisnis warung kopi. Pilihlah lokasi yang strategis dan mudah diakses oleh pelanggan. Pastikan lokasi yang Anda pilih memiliki jumlah orang yang cukup banyak dan frekuensi lalu lintas yang tinggi, misalnya di pusat kota atau di dekat kampus atau kantor. Aroma Kopi yang enak dengan mutu yang baik, akan membuat pelanggan selalu datang, bahkan akann mengajak teman, ...

Terungkap Cita Rasa Sejati Kopi Nusantara Asli

  Apakah anda pecinta kopi sejati atau baru belajar ngopi?  Ada banyak alasan untuk memulai hari sambil sarapan pagi dengan secangkir kopi. Pilihan jenis kopi dan cita rasanya bebas untuk kita pilih. Kita bisa mendapatkan kopi asli atau kopi instant di pasar tradisional, supermarket, atau C afĂ©. Kedai kopi milik anak muda pun bermunculan di kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Denpasar, Bali, juga di Semarang. Menikmati kelezatan kopi asli tidak harus membuat kita termehek-mehek pada nama besar C afĂ© yang menggunakan bendera terkenal yang dengan mudah kita temukan di mall . Para coffee fans sudah faham bahwa kopi yang enak tidak tergantung pada mewahnya sebuah Coffee Shop di hotel atau mall mewah. Kalau kita menjelajah Nusantara kita akan menemukan warung kopi pinggir jalan, bahkan di sudut pasar tradisional pun kita akan menemukan cita rasa sejati kopi Nusantara. Pengalaman serupa dirasakan oleh Coffee Lovers di manca negara. Terbayang indah dan s...

Some interesting facts about coffee

Are we now drink coffee in a nearby cafe? There are some fascinating facts about coffee, which will enrich your understanding about coffee, so you can measure how many cups of coffee you drink is right for every day. Coffee has benefits for your health, but coffee also have negative effects. Are you a coffee drinker of coffee, which be categorized as a beginner? Therefore you need to know some information about the coffee. You can read some of the topics in this blog. If you are a true coffee connoisseur, the following information can be an additional reference for you to share with your friends who have recently started drinking coffee. You can relate to this article while chatting in your favorite coffee shop. Coffee is a popular beverage that has a lot of fans. For coffee lovers, a cup of coffee in the morning is something that must be provided, before doing activities throughout the day. It should also be understood, that not everyone resistant to the effects of caffei...

Talk about coffee, once again reviews the wonders of coffee

Coffee for coffee lovers.  Image: Coffee has become a part of history and social life of mankind, and now there is a coffee shop on every corner of the town and village. Coffee is not just because of the genes of Arabica and Robusta, even coffee growing with glory cappuccino, cafe latte, coffee civet and various variations of coffee, which can be found in liquid, cake, ice cream, and various other coffee recipes.  Coffee has unique facts and legends. Coffee is also beneficial for human health both physically and mentally, but you must be wise in coffee because coffee consumed also have harmful side effects on your health. Do you like black coffee? Coffee contains caffeine when taken in proper doses, then black coffee is very useful for you physically and mentally. Over 500 billion cups of coffee are drunk each year or around 1.4 billion cups per day. Over half of this is consumed during breakfast. If you open a new coffee shop, the coffee drinkers...

How to choose coffee machine for coffee lovers

How to choose coffee machine for coffee connoisseurs?   Sexy baristas was making delicious coffee. Image: Are you a fan of instant coffee or a true coffee connoisseur? Certainly a true coffee lover also prefers genuine black coffee or espresso coffee from coffee beans. That's why you must have had or wanted to buy a coffee machine, so you can grind coffee so you can get a cup of fresh coffee.   You also need the best coffee beans that have been roasted, and your coffee machine will make you become very delicious coffee. With a proper coffee machine, you will get a cup of delicious coffee or espresso of various types like Arabica coffee, robusta, even kopi luwak (civet coffee) and organic coffee. Etienne Louis Espresso Machine.  Image: If you are indeed a true coffee fan, then there is interesting news for you. You will get a new coffee machine with that are more innovative technology. It happens b...

The myth, fact, history and the secret of cappuccino

Would you like to drink cappuccino with her?  Image: Almost all true coffee fans certainly ever drank a cup of cappuccino, a coffee-based beverage creation. Cappuccino has long been popular all over the world and is sure to be a menu in a variety of local cafes and in the fancy coffee shops.  Coffee has come a long way since the days of adding hot water to a teaspoon of instant granules, and the cappuccino you enjoy at your local cafe is much more achievable at home.   There are many myths in the world of an event, or the background of other things, as well as cappuccino . A myth says that the cappuccino's silky magic is beyond the grasp of home baristas. It's just too delicate of a dance, best left to the cafe. But the reality of cappuccino as mentioned in turns out that the great cappuccino is available to delight discerning coffee lovers , right in their own kitchens. It takes some practice with water, steam and foam, along wi...

How to start a fantastic coffee shop

A new cafe in Pondok Indah Mall, Jakarta. Image: Komang Setiabudi Are you a true coffee connoisseur? Do you understand the robusta and arabica coffee taste?   Perhaps you also understand about organic coffee and had also enjoyed a delicious of Kopi Luwak (civet   coffee) in Bali or Jakarta.     It turns out you also know how to mix coffee at home with a traditional coffee machine or your home, so you will not be disappointed if served a delicious coffee from the barista at the coffee shop that you visit. Therefore you get inspiration and ideas to build your own cafe business. German soldiers sit outside a Paris cafe on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day in 1940. Image:

Let's make a cafe latte at home

Are you a fan of cappuccino or espresso? Perhaps you should try the cafe latte. Latte or Cafe latte (Italian language which means coffee with milk) is espresso or coffee mixed with milk and has a thin layer of foam on top. Comparison between the milk with the coffee cafe latte is 3:1. Apparently there is a unique story of the creation of the cafe latte. Do you want to know before you try to to make cafe late? The history   A beautiful girl with a cafe latte.   Image: Cafe Latte discovered by the late Lino Meiorin in Italy at the end of 1950. He is the owner of a cafe; he is also the first Barista from Italy. His visitors it is not used to the taste of a traditional cappuccino which is very sharp , and therefore they asked for more milk (latte) to be mixed with the coffee. Lino finally decided to sell espresso drinks with more milk and call it a "cafe latte". At that time, he presents a caffè latte in a bowl and then switch to using th...

Coffee in the middle of a revolution and human history

Drink coffee in French. Image: If you want to drink coffee outside the home, whether you are going to drink coffee in the coffee shop or at a fancy cafe? It's difficult to say where we will get a nice cup of hot coffee. Each person has their own reference. Before you step into a coffee shop, perhaps you would imagine a delicious coffee, friendly service, good atmosphere, so you feel satisfied. If you could walk into a country or city if you will also find a well-known coffee shop there or you prefer the coffee shop of a franchise that had also been there in your town? Of course you have to imagine the same sense, as a franchise product must be the same throughout the world. Each franchise has a system and expects the same services wherever they are. I suggest you visit a local coffee shop that is not associated with any franchise, except the coffee shop is not in your town. It’s Certainly interesting to try its flavor.

Get coffee with a unique enjoyment

Coffee on the way According to the history of coffee from Ethiopia, and is now easily found throughout the world. Drinking coffee does not always have to be at home, or in a fancy cafe. In Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia, you can find a coffee peddler riding a bicycle. The personal driver, who was drowsy because of waiting for the boss, now be happy because they do not need to pavement cafĂ©s, coffee peddler cycling because it will come to them.  If you happened to be in the street or parking lot, you can find the creative coffee peddler. They will offer a wide range of instant coffee. He was ready with three thermoses of hot water. You can choose black coffee, cappuccino, mochaccino, coffee milk, and a variety of other coffee, there's even a cafe latte. Enjoy your coffee with new friends. It's Fantastic.

Let we support coffee farmers

Coffee Farmer in Bali. Image: The coffee we drink comes from coffee beans grown in Ethiopia, Bali, Gayo, Java, Uganda, and some other areas. Coffee cannot be grown in the four seasons such as Japan, Europe, the USA, Korea, or Australia. Coffee plantations in the area are not all owned by rich farmers or large plantation companies. In general, they are small farmers, their land is not large, and so they need the support of governments and coffee lovers from around the world.  Government officials, big business, organizations and anyone can support coffee farmers by making policies more conducive to any coffee beans that they produce could be distributed fairly, good coffee purchases by mills, exporters, importers, coffee shop network owner, employers will most coffee shops coffee trade fairer for all parties. Famous celebrities such as actress, singer, and world-class entertainers can also be a campaign to support coffee farmers. 

Great Coffee Great People