
Coffee in the middle of a revolution and human history

cafe, coffee, coffee shop, french coffee, Paris, politic, coffee history
Drink coffee in French. Image:
If you want to drink coffee outside the home, whether you are going to drink coffee in the coffee shop or at a fancy cafe? It's difficult to say where we will get a nice cup of hot coffee. Each person has their own reference. Before you step into a coffee shop, perhaps you would imagine a delicious coffee, friendly service, good atmosphere, so you feel satisfied.

If you could walk into a country or city if you will also find a well-known coffee shop there or you prefer the coffee shop of a franchise that had also been there in your town? Of course you have to imagine the same sense, as a franchise product must be the same throughout the world. Each franchise has a system and expects the same services wherever they are.

I suggest you visit a local coffee shop that is not associated with any franchise, except the coffee shop is not in your town. It’s Certainly interesting to try its flavor.

Back to the history of coffee and civilization
obama, clinton, politicians drink coffee, coffee shop, politic and coffee
Politicians drink coffee. Image:
Long before the development of the coffee shop as a franchise business, coffee has become a part of urban life, not much different from a place like a pub drinking beer. The coffee shop is not just a place to let go of thirst while enjoying the aroma of hot coffee, and the delicacy of a cup of coffee until the last gulp. Perhaps a cup of black coffee or espresso can be the beginning of the birth of the brilliant and revolutionary ideas.

The coffee was even part of the revolution and the political changes in many countries, even capable of changing the course of history. 

You may recall the famous French revolution. Apparently, the revolution began in a coffee shop in the Palais Royal, Paris which is also the site of the killing of the socialist leader Jean Jaures, during World War I. As in France, the coffee shop or cafe recognized very highly related to intellectual life, politics, and rebellion in France. In 1910 there were at least 510 recorded thousands of coffee shop and cafes remained only 36 thousand.
Drink coffee in Kintamani, Bali.
Perhaps in your country a simple coffee shop and cafe in the mall and the hotel has been a meeting place for people to discuss business, art and politics, social criticism, office gossip, and celebrities, or simply have a chat about various things without focusing on a particular issue. Coffee shops also have a romantic date place, as well the place young people hang out, even mom's regular social gathering place. The coffee shop has become a social media in the real sense.

If by chance you sit next to a table of important people or famous people, then focus on your ears. Who knows you got a secret about a change in currency rates or commodity exchange, then you can use the confidential information to made a fortune.

Coffee can change your life.


Great Coffee Great People

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