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Coffee Connoisseur: What the heck is that?
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In the world of wine, tea, perfume, and tobacco, or other types of beverage or food, there is a special skill to test the taste, aroma, and quality of a drink or food before it is widely marketed. Their five senses are very sensitive to know the quality of the material they are testing, so that class or caste can be distinguished from tea, tobacco, wine, and coffee.
This profession is highly valued because not everyone can do it, even though they have studied it scientifically. There seems to be a basic talent that a person must possess, for example, the so-called Coffee Connoisseur, which is different from the skills of a barista as you often see in your favorite cafe.
A coffee connoisseur is someone who knows everything there is to know about the beverage. You're familiar with the various roasts. You're familiar with the various sorts of beans (and where they come from). You're familiar with the varied flavor characteristics of those beans, as well as the many ways to prepare a cup and all of the specialized coffee drinks that exist.
People who have expertise in the coffee field must understand the origin of coffee, types of coffee, aroma, and compatibility before serving it to true coffee fans. As we understood, coffee is served as brewed coffee, espresso, cappuccino, iced coffee, latte coffee, milk coffee, cafe macchiato, and other variations.
Coffee has also become part of medicine, the world of beauty, and various other products. You may have used the aroma of coffee to scent a room, vehicle, or buy a perfume with the aroma of coffee.
Due to the increasing number of coffee connoisseurs in the world, even starting from their teens, the profession of baristas and people who are experts in testing coffee will be increasingly needed in this global industry.
Understand Your Beans
You can't make good coffee or profess to know everything about it if you don't comprehend your beans. There are four primary types of coffee beans, and if you want to be an expert on the issue, you must understand what each one tastes like and where it comes from.
Robusta beans, as the name implies, are robust and strong. They have a reputation for tasting burnt at times, and they are frequently combined with Arabica beans. Robusta beans are mostly grown in Africa and Indonesia.
Arabica beans taste softer and sweeter than other bean varieties. It is the least acidic of the beans and thrives in high elevations where there is a lot of rain, such as in Brazil.
Liberica beans are rather uncommon, and they are noted to be slightly bitter with a little woodsy flavor. They are not widely known in the United States or Europe, but they are common in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, where they grow.
Excelsa beans, which are mostly grown in Southeast Asia, are an even rarer commodity, with a slightly sour yet fruity flavor characteristic. Excelsa beans account for a modest percentage of global coffee consumption. However, if you want to become a true coffee connoisseur, you need to seek them out.
Understand Your Roasts
Once you've mastered the beans, it's time to learn about the different roasts. There are four basic types, each with a distinct appearance, flavor, and caffeine content.
Light Roast: a light brown color with a strong acidic flavor and high caffeine levels.
Medium Roast: a medium brown tone with a balance of fragrance, acidity, and flavor; medium caffeine levels.
Medium-Dark: medium brown in color, thick and full of spicy flavor, and low caffeine levels.
Dark Roast: a dark brown color with an oily sheen, bitter and smoky flavor, and very low caffeine levels.
The smell of coffee is tempting, as is the smell of money that surrounds the coffee business. It is proven that coffee enthusiasts can turn their passion for coffee into a coffee business empire.
It doesn't have to be a big empire because your satisfaction is not always measured by the size of your company or coffee shop.
Enjoying the benefits of the coffee business is fun, but enjoying coffee with loved ones and friends is the highest value of our lives as human beings.
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